Account name (with #'s): Landslide.6125
In-game name and level: Landslide Earthmaw - 23
Timezone and usual play-times: Central - evenings
Your age: 22
How long have you been playing the game (hours)?: 17 hours
Play-style(s) (PvP, PvE, WvW, etc.): PvE
PvP Experience (rank, accomplishments, etc.):None
Professions played in PvP: None
PvE Experience (accomplishments, dungeons, etc.): Just starting
Professions played in PvE: Guardian
WvW Experience (rank, play-style, commanding, etc.): None
Professions played in WvW: None
What is your home server?: NSP
Previous guild(s): None
Reason for leaving previous guild: N/A
Why you want to join [ZoS]?: My friend, Smokey, is a member and got me into GW2. He now has encouraged me to get involved with a guild.
Have you fully read the application post?: yes
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?: Yes, I am borrowing a working microphone for the interview and am working on getting an adapter to allow me to use my own microphone permanently.
Have you read and do you agree with our rules?: yes
A little about yourself: I recently graduated college with a degree in aviation. I'm a commercially rated pilot and aircraft mechanic who is currently residing in East Texas, but moving soon to find work. While crashing at my friend Smokey's apartment he got me interested in GW2.