In-game name and level: Alice Silversun 63+
Age: 30
Timezone and times usually on: Central Standard US / Evenings after 5:00 and Weekends
Style (PvP, PvE, WvW Etc.): PVE
PvP Experience (rank, accomplishments, etc.): None
Professions played in PvP: None
PvE Experience (accomplishments, dungeons, etc.): Map completions, 2 Zergs, Story, Elites, Questing, etc.
Professions played in PvE: None
Crafts and their levels: Armorsmithing 300+
Previous Guilds: None
Reason for leaving previous guild: N/A
Why you want to join: We hear you are the best! And you may have accents! Pointe has encouraged me to do so...
How long have you been playing the game?(Hours): Only been playing a few weeks, first character
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working mic?: Carrie D does and she is right next to me when we use it. I'm going to let her drive that...
Have you read and do you agree with our rules? Yes
A little about yourself:
I live with Carrie D, as you probably know because we just tried to apply on one post. lol We live together and picked up this game it is my first MMO. I would like to learn more about my class (Guardian!) and have some buddies to run around with and or do dungeons with. I picked guardian because I wanted to be able to help if I can. We have an english bulldog, and consider ourselves quite hilarious. Getting married in October! We are fun and friendly and don't mind helping others with crafting etc. when we can. I'm nervous to do dungeons but Carrie assures me I am more than ready and can definitely handle myself in a fight. If she thinks I am ready then I suppose I am, let's do this! I won't be warrioring into any mobs and getting us into trouble and at least till i know what I am doing I will just follow directions and wait till I am called on. We would like to help and be a part of the guild because everyone we have met at Zos has been so nice and helpful, that is what I would look for in guildies.
Oh, and we still hate water events, even with mice.