In-game name and level: Rokujou (80)
Age: 26
Timezone and times usually on: Eastern (-5 GMT); Monday-Thursday: 11am - 4pm & 9pm - 2am; Friday-Sunday: 12am - 2am; [Subject to change.]
Style (PvP, PvE, WvW Etc.): Primarily PvE.
PvP Experience (rank, accomplishments, etc.): Rank 0. [Played a lot of sPvP in Beta, got tired of it fast.]
Professions played in PvP: Thief, Warrior, and Elementalist.
PvE Experience (accomplishments, dungeons, etc.): 100% Map Completion on 1 character [Ended up remaking him too...], Completed all Dungeon Story-Modes [On deleted character...]
Professions played in PvE: Warrior (80) [Remade], Thief (80), Elementalist (70), Engineer (33), Necromancer (9), Guardian (2) [Another remade character that was once 80], Ranger (2), Mesmer (17)
Crafts and their levels: All 400, except for Jeweler (388), Huntsman (263), and Tailor (96).
Previous Guilds: [HATE] Guardians of the Creed. [Jerk] The Jerks
Reason for leaving previous guild:
[HATE] - Guild was full of immature and ignorant players who are quick to blame others for their own mistakes. Doing dungeons with them was probably worse than running with a PuG. At the first set-back, people would start yelling/rage-quitting. It really was full of Hate....
[Jerk] - My personal guild full of personal friends. Most of them stopped playing, and the few that kept playing, switched servers. -Cough-Myoho-Cough-
Why you want to join: Looking for a mature and semi-competent guild to do events with. Playing by myself is fun, since I never really have to conform to anyone else's times, but it's pretty boring. A friend of mine kept recommending me this guild, and even with my semi-hectic schedule, I was told I'd still have fun.
How long have you been playing the game?(Hours): Over the past 7 months, I have played a total of 691 hours, and 24 minutes.
Do you have vent and a working mic?: Yes, and yes.
Have you read and do you agree with our rules? Yes, and yes.
A little about yourself: Finishing my Bachelors in Information Technology, currently working as a Sushi Chef, but finally planning to move onto a real career. Played a lot of Guild Wars 1, Final Fantasy XI, City of Heroes, and finally Guild Wars 2. When I'm not MMORPGing it up, I play a variety of other games, such as Battlefield 3, League of Legends, StarCraft II, and on occasion NBA2k13.
P.S. I sorta' messed up my first account, misreading the age part, thought it was something else, sorry... :| [Those 12+ hour shifts make my brain mushy.]