Hello, lovely zealots!
There are several of us in ZoS who partake in the joys of Pokemon, particularly the newest Sun and Moon installments. In order to try and contain the Poké-Chat so we don't drive all of the not Poké-Zealots crazy, there is a new special channel for Pokémon near the bottom of our TS. Additionally, some of us are looking to exchange friend codes and all that jazz so we can do fun things like trade and battle and whatever else. There is a running list of friend codes in the channel description, so once yours is shared we can all be buddies! If you want in on the fun, you can give Yona (one of our lovely officers) your friend code info and he can add it to the channel description.
Everyone also feel free to start using this thread for any Pokémon-related thing you may want to tell/ask your ZoS friends! Yay!