Subject: [ZoS] Application - <Gerta Trueheart>
Account name (khalissi.5138): yes, influenced by Game of Thrones, lol
In-game name and level: I have three toons, ranger-80, mesmer-80 and currently learning thief which will hit 80 tomorrow (9-30-15)
Timezone and usual play-times: I am retired so play frequently during the day. Mostly spend my evenings on WoW with my hubby when he is home.
Your age: retired and medicare eligible, lol, never ask a lady her age!
How long have you been playing the game (hours)?: on my current toon, thief: 108 hours in 14 days, total on all toons: 712 hours.
Play-style(s) (PvP, PvE, WvW, etc.): Pve, I like adventuring. WvW some, Im a total noob.
PvP Experience (rank, accomplishments, etc.): Not really a Pvp personality
Professions played in PvP:
PvE Experience (accomplishments, dungeons, etc.):
Professions played in PvE: Ranger, Mesmer, Thief
WvW Experience (rank, play-style, commanding, etc.): Rank 7: Have barely played it but I think its fun
Professions played in WvW: Thief
What is your home server?: Northern Shiverpeaks
Previous guild(s): Geezer
Reason for leaving previous guild: Still shopping around for a good fit. I am a casual player so not interested in hard core competitive play. Would like to experience some WvW and Duns in the future, but this toon is still pretty new so not ready to be a good team player yet.
Why you want to join [ZoS]?: Looks like an active guild and has a good reputation
Have you fully read the application post?:yes
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?: I can and yes
Have you read and do you agree with our rules?: yes
A little about yourself: I am retired and discovered online fantasy games a few years back watching my husband play World of Warcraft. It looked like fun so I joined in at the end of Lich King XP and have been playing every since. I picked up GW2 a couple of years ago when I say an ad for it on wowhead, so on a whim downloaded it. I love it! Wow has become rather stale and boring, so Im back playing on GW2 and leveling a thief. Its a fun toon and Im sure I am not playing it to its full potential but I'm having fun exploring Tyria and learning the profession.
Thank you for your consideration in my application.