Account name (with #'s): Tiella.7956
In-game name and level: Tiella level 54
Timezone and usual play-times: Eastern, 6 or 7 till 10 at night weeknights and off and on during the day and evening on weekends
Your age: 39
How long have you been playing the game (hours)?: 77 hours, I played lots more of the original Guild Wars
Play-style(s) (PvP, PvE, WvW, etc.): PvE
PvP Experience (rank, accomplishments, etc.): None
Professions played in PvP: None
PvE Experience (accomplishments, dungeons, etc.): Nothing special, just questing and leveling
Professions played in PvE: Engineer
WvW Experience (rank, play-style, commanding, etc.): None
Professions played in WvW: None
What is your home server?: Northern Shiverpeaks
Previous guild(s): Death Rides a Pale Moa
Reason for leaving previous guild: Inactive guild
Why you want to join [ZoS]?: To play with other fun people, and my husband and I have been friends with Luna for several years
Have you fully read the application post?: Yes
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?: Yes
Have you read and do you agree with our rules?: Yes
A little about yourself: I am a stay at home mother and wife. I do not work outside my home, but I do make and sell my artwork to earn a little extra money. I have been playing MMORPGs since the release of World of warcraft. I also enjoy console games and handheld games. I love Quaggan! I am basically just a geeky, tattooed, video gaming mama!