Acct name: raging legend.6805
In-game name and level: sylvester bloodshot, level 80
Age: 18
Timezone and times usually on: central time zone, from times ranging 3-9 pm
Style: PvE
Pvp experience: I don't PvP
Proffesions played in PvP: None
PvE experience: most jump puzzles, familiar with maps, all but a few dungeons, level 80.
Proffesions played in PvE: Ranger, guardian, engineer, warrior, mesmer.
Crafts and their levels: Huntsman 119
Previous guilds: defenders of the shiverpeaks.
Reasons for leaving your previous guild: not enough active members
Why do i want to join ZoS: to have fun and get better at the game
Time spent playing game: 500 hours
Teamspeak3 and working microphone: teamspeak3 yes, microphone no
Do i agree with your rules: ofcourse
A little bit about me: i like to play on PvE do jump puzzles and i almost always do them if you need help with them i can show you what i know, i know alot about the game itself and i like to have fun and make profit doing so.