In-game name and level: Clutchx
Timezone and times usually on:Eastern standard time, usually on in the evenings
Style (PvP, PvE, WvW Etc.):all, I enjoy doing PvP WvW and PvE
PvP Experience (rank, accomplishments, etc.):ranks 13
Professions played in PvP:enigneer
PvE Experience (accomplishments, dungeons, etc.): a few of the well know dungeons Cof, CM, etc..
Professions played in PvE:engineer
Crafts and their levels:400 leatherworker and huntsman
Previous Guilds:no serious guild atm
Reason for leaving previous guild:
Why you want to join: I'm looking for a guild that has more active players
How long have you been playing the game?(Hours):418 hours in the past ten months
Do you have vent and a working mic?:yes and yes
Have you read and do you agree with our rules?yes
A little about yourself:I'm currently in school getting a bachelors in computer engineering, I have two jobs and alot of free time to when im not going out or at work most likely ill be here playing gw2.