In-game Name: Ghost Ayame
Age: 18
Timezone and times usually on: GMT - 4 PM to 2 PM (anywhere between tht time) Weekends - Anytime
Style (PvP, PvE Etc.): Mostly PvE but small PvP such as RA/AB/JQ
Campaigns Owned: Own all Campaigns
PvP Experience: (rank, accomplishments, etc.): Only got a few glad points, small fame and rank 6 kurzick via AB
Professions played in PvP: Ele, Necro, Monk, Assasin, Warrior
PvE Experience (accomplishments, campaigns finished, etc.): Finished all 4 campaigns, Few high titles, done alot of HM, Elite missions.
Professions played in PvE: Necro (main) Elementalist, Monk, Assasin
Previous Guilds: THPK, ANY, KING,TCD, Hugs
Reason for leaving current guild: Inactive
Why you want to join: Seems mature with very exp players.
How long have you been playing the game?: 2 years
Do you have vent and a working mic?: Yes
Have you read and do you agree with our rules? Yes
A little about yourself: I enjoy to play sports and play for teams and like going out with my friends.