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[ZoS] Application - <Tallahacky> Invited

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:07 pm
by Methal
Account name (with #'s):
- Methal.9045

In-game name and level:
- Deltin, Tallahacky, Trieshen, all active and level 80

Timezone and usual play-times:
- US Mountain Standard Time. Usually play for a few hours after 1pm, and alot on the weekends.

Your age:
- 35

How long have you been playing the game (hours)?: (you can use the command /age in game if you are not certain, doesn't need to be precise)
- Been playing since launch. 1500 hours.

Play-style(s) (PvP, PvE, WvW, etc.):
- PvE 99% of the time

PvP Experience (rank, accomplishments, etc.):
- None really

Professions played in PvP:
- Ranger...Very briefly

PvE Experience
- Downed the first 3 raid bosses, played enough to have earned bolt, the hard way, spend most of my time doing fractals, etc.

Professions played in PvE:
- Ranger, Ele, War, Guard, Rev, Thief, Engi, Necro, Mez (in order of which I've played most)

WvW Experience (rank, play-style, commanding, etc.):
- I do not WvW enough to even know my rank. What I have done was level a necro from 1 to 50 by just following the zergs.

Professions played in WvW:
- Ranger, Necro. Not much else or much at all.

What is your home server?:
- Emery Bay

Previous guild(s):
- Been in a LOT of guilds, been kicked due to inactivity, and once by saying "wat up sloots!"

Reason for leaving previous guild:
- Inactive, as in they do nothing but chat on occation.

Why you want to join [ZoS]?:
- I want a REAL guild.

Have you fully read the application post?:
- Yes.

Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?:
- Yes to both.

Have you read and do you agree with our rules?:
- Yes.

A little about yourself:
- I am a 35 year old US Army vet. I was in the infantry for 4 years, during which time I was a guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. (badge $592) and then spent 5 as an Army Ranger (2/75th) Stationed in Ft Lewis Warshingtun
Yes i've been shot, yes i've killed, please dont ask about details. Thanks =) I also currently have 22 tarantulas which i'm feeding right now, and I have a license to own Coral Snakes, I do not have any atm.

Thanks =-)

Re: [ZoS] Application - <Tallahacky>

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:15 pm
by Spes
Please contact an officer in game.