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ZoS Application - Linderwood

PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:29 pm
by Linderwood
Account name: Aiel.7654
In-game name and level: Linderwood: Level 80
Age: 21
Timezone and times usually on: EST/Freetime anywhere from 5-11PM excepting holidays
Play-style: WvW preference, PvP interest, PvE experience
PvP Experience: Hairy beast (Dolyak) >100k Glory. 'Ultimate Death Blossom Scrub 3333333!'
Professions played in PvP: Slimy, backstabbing dirtbag (Thief)
PvE Experience: I have 9k AP, Incinerator, Dungeon Master, Sunbringer and am slowly progressing through my achievements list.
Professions played in PvE: The invisible man (Thief)
Crafts and their levels: 2-300ish Jeweler, 400 Chef, 450 Weaponsmith, 500 Leatherworker, 500 Huntsman
Previous guilds: Drawn of Lite (Lite) / Permafrost Alliance (Ice) / Acolytes (Aco)
Reason for leaving previous guilds: Kicked unjustly / Inactivity / Different Servers; See below
What is your home server?: NSP
Why you want to join [ZoS]?: I've always been more of a solo player and have thus been guildless for the majority of my playtime. The first guild I ever joined and actively represented was Lite, a casual pve guild. Despite my interest in my server community and the pvp gamemodes, I was satisfied having a smaller group of players to run with and declined invites to larger ones. A friend and I were removed from the guild by the leader last winter with neither warning nor reason. I had in fact been just promoted to officer so both us and our former comrades were left confused regarding the subject. I then proceeded to drift between small guilds; helping out and messing around with no loyalties or obligations until I was invited to MeSi. I had a lot of fun roaming with MeSi and of all guilds I've been a part of it was closest to the community I've been searching for. Our guild leader was rather unreliable with his activity however and eventually a large group of us split off to form a new guild: Permafrost Alliance, whose activity also began to rapidly dwindle last month. Just last Sunday I joined SoR's Acolytes for their guild missions and though I like their community, I'm uncomfortable being in a non-NSP based guild and reluctant to apply to become more than an initiate.

I've been interested in ZoS for a while now but due to guild loyalties have not pursued that interest. There are few guilds as well respected as ZoS and none who better represent our server. Now that I have no obligations I've taken the effort to fill out an application, am hoping your community is what I'm looking for and that I be permitted to join.
How long have you been playing the game (hours)?: You have played this character for 1,618 hours 21 minutes over the past 510 days
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?: Yes, it's glowy
Have you read and do you agree with our rules?: Yes, doubly
A little about yourself: I am a university drop-out, former artist and former bookworm who has had essentially no offline life for two years. I live in Toronto, Canada and intend to become a Paramedic. Despite its many flaws, GW2 is my favourite game due to its combat system as well as its beautiful music and landscapes. I play daily though also enjoy LoL and various Steam games on occasion.

Re: ZoS Application - Linderwood

PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 12:42 am
by gladiator
Please contact an officer in game.

Re: ZoS Application - Linderwood

PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 1:36 am
by Ammorth