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ZoS Application - Critical Cookie

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 4:11 am
by Critical Cookie
Account name: HerpDerp.7105
Main character name: Critical X Cookie (lvl 80, ele)
Age: I am 16, and if you mean /age, then I am "256 hours over the last 666" days old
I live in Japan, and usually play mornings here.
I do mostly PvE, and some WvW, occasionally.
I have no experience with arenas.
In PvE, I've done dungeons, lots of living world, not a lot of exploration and accomplishments, looking for awesome people like you guys to complete them with.
I play an ele, and leveling a warrior.
Haven't started crafting yet...
The guild I am in now is, Mindless and Generic Identity, but they are starting to bore me, and they don't do a ton of really cool organized stuff like ZoS does.
Home server is Northern Shiverpeaks.
The reason I want to join so badly is cause I always played by myself, but just yesterday I ran teq with you guys and I had the most fun! And today, I did a ton of boss blitz and got a gold chest for the first time. You guys are really funny to talk to and are really good when it comes to playing the game.
I do have TS3 and a working mic.
I agree with all your rules.
I am a 16 y/o male, I live in Japan, I like playing with cool and fun people, and that is exactly what I'm looking for, FUN! I am pretty casual, and don't always have a lot of time, I'm having my summer break, so i'll have tons of time to help out with the guild. I hope I get in, and I am looking forward to the good times ahead!
Love, Cookie.

Ps.^^I'm kinda affectionate...

Re: ZoS Application - Critical Cookie

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 5:58 am
by Ammorth
Please contact an officer in game.

We also have lots of caring people, so being affectionate is no problem (as long as its not clingy =P)

Re: ZoS Application - Critical Cookie

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:02 am
by Jareth Darksorrow