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ZoS Application - Eir Skathi

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:59 pm
by Eir Skathi
In-game name and level: Eir Skathi, level 80

Age: 30

Timezone and times usually on: PST (-8:00) on anytime throughout the day/evening - can be sporadic as I'm off work on medical leave.

Style (PvP, PvE, WvW Etc.): PvE and WvW

PvP Experience (rank, accomplishments, etc.): Not much experience with PvP,, usually participate in WvW.

Professions played in PvP: Elementalist, Guardian

PvE Experience (accomplishments, dungeons, etc.): Working on map completion with main (70% slowly, but surely), not much dungeon experience as finding a decent group has escaped me. Another reason for my interest in a guild! I'm missing out!

Professions played in PvE: Guardian, Elementalist, Ranger.

Crafts and their levels: Armorer (245), Chef (400) - on Main.

Previous Guilds: The Bad News Bearowls

Reason for leaving previous guild: Was my own guild created with 2 close friends that no longer play.

Why you want to join: Playing solo has its limits; played with a ZoS guild member (The Lava Bender) and had a great time!

How long have you been playing the game?(Hours): 326+ hours, 270+ hours on main (Eir Skathi)

Do you have vent and a working mic?: Yes!

Have you read and do you agree with our rules? Absolutely!

A little about yourself: From Western Canada, 30 year old male. Had to take a break from GW2 for nearly 4 months due to poor health, but am excited to get back into it - I'm a little rusty but eager to participate in a guild setting. In the past, I successfully led a small, close knit 20-30 member clan in popular FPS series on PC for 7+ years. Our rules and standards were very similar to those of ZoS, which is why I chose to apply!

Re: ZoS Application - Eir Skathi

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:06 pm
by Tyria
Invited and joined as of March 2, 2013. May help for transition of Initiate to Zealot.