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Zos Application - Chuo

PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:58 pm
by Chuo
In-game name and level:
Chuo.4238, 80 Guardian (PvE/WvW), Thief (sPvP)


Timezone and times usually on:
GMT+2 - evenings in EU, mornings in NA

Style (PvP, PvE, WvW Etc.):
All of the above, but looking for a WvW group.

PvP Experience (rank, accomplishments, etc.):
Rank 1 still - played some random matches.

Professions played in PvP:
Thief, Guardian

PvE Experience (accomplishments, dungeons, etc.):
100% map completion, most dungeons story mode, a few in exp mode.

Professions played in PvE:

Crafts and their levels:
Armorsmithing 140, Jeweller 33

Previous Guilds:
Hamstorm Nation [PIG], also a friend of Brotherhood of the Shadows [bots]

Reason for leaving previous guild:
Haven't left and don't plan to. The reason I'm applying to ZoS is because PIG is small, and generally I'm alone due to my timezone (they're all on when I'm in bed). They have been good friends for years, though, so I don't plan to disconnect from them entirely.

I'm seeing that ZoS wants to take a lead on server WvW, and I'd like to be a part of that. Since ZoS is a larger guild, and has a WvW-oriented contingent, I'm hoping that there are some WvW types that play at the same times I do.

Why you want to join:
I see I got ahead of myself. My response to the previous question should answer this one, too. I'm hoping to see ZoS as a leader in WvW on Northern Shiverpeaks, and therefore hoping to find a consistent, organized group of WvW-ers that are on at the same time I am.

How long have you been playing the game?(Hours):
235h, 26m since Headstart

Do you have vent and a working mic?:

Have you read and do you agree with our rules?

A little about yourself:
Working, married adult who games for fun and leisure. Due to my job, I've found myself on a different timezone than most of my friends, so I'm looking to make a few new ones to play with. I think that ZoS is probably one of the bigger guilds on the server that's organized and mature - and might therefore have people on when I am. I don't care much for drama or elitism - but I try to be the best I can be. I'd say I'm somewhere between 'casual' and 'hardcore'. I play hard, and do the best I can, but my real life (family and work) will always come first. I'm reliable - if I say I'll be there, I will be there. If I'm going to need a gaming break due to real life, I'll let you know rather than disappear.

If you're looking for an early morning/daytime WvW presence, and have some folks on around then, I think we might be a good match. I'm always up for a dungeon and sPvP as well, just ask!

Re: Zos Application - Chuo

PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:15 pm
by hugillater
In regards to not leaving the other guild, how much time would you spend in zos and pig respectively

Re: Zos Application - Chuo

PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:14 pm
by Chuo
Well, mostly in ZoS, as I rarely catch PIG members on-line unless I stay up really late on a weekend. You'll probably see me doing the occasional dungeon or whatever with them, but I'm really looking for folks to game with for most of my gaming hours...

Re: Zos Application - Chuo

PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:26 pm
by hugillater