Please read all of the following before applying.
Be sure to fully read our rules (link) before going any further.
Attempting to circumvent any of these rules during the application process will result in denial of membership and blacklisting (so don't lie!).
If you wish to join the Zealots of Shiverpeak in GW2, please register on our forums under your "main" character name (as it appears in game) and post a thread with the following application fully completed:
Subject: [ZoS] Application - <YourNameHere>
Account name (with #'s):
In-game name and level:
Timezone and usual play-times:
Your age:
How long have you been playing the game (hours)?: (you can use the command /age in game if you are not certain, doesn't need to be precise)
Play-style(s) (PvP, PvE, WvW, etc.):
PvP Experience (rank, accomplishments, etc.):
Professions played in PvP:
PvE Experience (accomplishments, dungeons, Fractals, raids, world meta events etc.):
Professions played in PvE:
WvW Experience (rank, play-style, commanding, etc.):
Professions played in WvW:
What is your home server?:
Previous guild(s):
Reason for leaving previous guild:
Why you want to join [ZoS]?:
Have you fully read the application post?:
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?:
Have you read and do you agree with our rules?:
A little about yourself:
After posting your application and if all seems to be in order, an officer will post on your application thread asking you to get in touch with an officer in-game. The current list of officers can be found here.
Note that we require TeamSpeak 3 and a microphone in [ZoS]. We ask that you have these before applying as we like to chat with applicants on TeamSpeak to get to know them. We also ask that our members are active and available on TeamSpeak - this is not a matter of arrogance or "elitism," as TeamSpeak simply makes for better relationships and cooperation in-game, as well as faster group set up. More information on downloading and using TeamSpeak 3 can be found here.
Recruitment Process
Here is how recruitment works in [ZoS]:
1. A High Zealot or Arch Zealot (officers) will read over the application. Assuming there are no issues with the application, they will ask the applicant to contact an officer in-game.
2. Should the applicant seem like a good fit for the guild, that officer will invite him or her after a short interview and put them at the "Initiate" rank within the guild.
3. During your time as an initiate, try and get to know your fellow Zealots. The primary purpose of this introductory period is to get to know people and get used to how our community functions, as well as make sure we are a good fit for each other.
4. After a month's time, or when officers otherwise see fit, you will be promoted to the "Zealot" rank and become a full member of [ZoS].
Please read all of the following before applying.
Be sure to fully read our rules (link) before going any further.
Attempting to circumvent any of these rules during the application process will result in denial of membership and blacklisting (so don't lie!).
If you wish to join the Zealots of Shiverpeak in GW2, please register on our forums under your "main" character name (as it appears in game) and post a thread with the following application fully completed:
Subject: [ZoS] Application - <YourNameHere>
Account name (with #'s):
In-game name and level:
Timezone and usual play-times:
Your age:
How long have you been playing the game (hours)?: (you can use the command /age in game if you are not certain, doesn't need to be precise)
Play-style(s) (PvP, PvE, WvW, etc.):
PvP Experience (rank, accomplishments, etc.):
Professions played in PvP:
PvE Experience (accomplishments, dungeons, Fractals, raids, world meta events etc.):
Professions played in PvE:
WvW Experience (rank, play-style, commanding, etc.):
Professions played in WvW:
What is your home server?:
Previous guild(s):
Reason for leaving previous guild:
Why you want to join [ZoS]?:
Have you fully read the application post?:
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?:
Have you read and do you agree with our rules?:
A little about yourself:
After posting your application and if all seems to be in order, an officer will post on your application thread asking you to get in touch with an officer in-game. The current list of officers can be found here.
Note that we require TeamSpeak 3 and a microphone in [ZoS]. We ask that you have these before applying as we like to chat with applicants on TeamSpeak to get to know them. We also ask that our members are active and available on TeamSpeak - this is not a matter of arrogance or "elitism," as TeamSpeak simply makes for better relationships and cooperation in-game, as well as faster group set up. More information on downloading and using TeamSpeak 3 can be found here.
Recruitment Process
Here is how recruitment works in [ZoS]:
1. A High Zealot or Arch Zealot (officers) will read over the application. Assuming there are no issues with the application, they will ask the applicant to contact an officer in-game.
2. Should the applicant seem like a good fit for the guild, that officer will invite him or her after a short interview and put them at the "Initiate" rank within the guild.
3. During your time as an initiate, try and get to know your fellow Zealots. The primary purpose of this introductory period is to get to know people and get used to how our community functions, as well as make sure we are a good fit for each other.
4. After a month's time, or when officers otherwise see fit, you will be promoted to the "Zealot" rank and become a full member of [ZoS].